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篇名 具有高線性度及優良的製程變異抵抗能力的連續時間迴路濾波脈衝寬度調變D類放大器
卷期 134
並列篇名 A Robust Continuous Time Loop Filter PWM Class D Amplifier with High Linearity and Good Immunity to Process Variations
作者 侯信宏
頁次 125-130
關鍵字 連續時間迴路濾波器脈波寬度調變D類放大器製程變異Continuous Time Loop FilterPulse-width Modulation=PWMClass-D AmplifierProcess Variation
出刊日期 201008


本文實現了一個具有高線性度及優良的製程變異抵抗能力的連續時間迴路濾波脈衝寬度調變D類放大器(Continuous-Time Loop Filter Pulse-Width Modulation Class-D Amplifier)。此設計電路在效能上達到了0.0042%的總諧波及雜訊失真(THD+N)和99.2dB的高動態範圍(Dynamic Range)並使用建議的自動調整三角波形產生器(Adaptive Triangular Wave Generator;ATG),在22個量測樣本之中有效地將製程所造成的變異標準差降低了4倍之多。此放大器是一個將功率電晶體整合在一起的雙聲道設計,採用0.35um 2P4M CMOS製程,工作電壓範圍則可從3V~5.5V,最大輸出功率為2.6W,晶片面積為2.45mm x 2.9mm。


A robust PWM class D amplifier with high linearity and good immunity to process variations is presented in this paper. By using the proposed adaptive triangular wave generator (ATG), 0.0042% THD+N and 99.2dB dynamic range can be achieved. Compared to the results without the adaptive triangular wave generator, the standard deviation of THD+N ratio over 22 samples can be strunk to 1/4. The power MOS stages are integrated into this amplifier to provide 2 channel signals. The die area is 2.45mm x 2.9mm and can be operated from 3V to 5.5V with the maximum output power 2.6W.

