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篇名 魏晉名士特質及所從事休閒活動之研究
卷期 6
並列篇名 The Study of Wei and Jin Dynasty Scholar's Personality and Leisure Activities
作者 陳淑惠
頁次 129-138
關鍵字 魏晉名士名士特質休閒活動Wei and Jin dynasty scholarPersonalityLeisure activities
出刊日期 201007




Wei and Jin dynasty scholars were born in troubled times. Norm of the Confucian abhorrence of hypocrisy. They want to pursue the ideal of a free and independent personality.The brutal oppression of the rulers, They also had to preserve what they have and avoid disaster.So one after another toward the respect for Lao-Zhuang. They alcohol and crazy and don’t do the current affairs. They have a dissolute life.First, we will explore the Wei and Jin dynasty scholars, celebrities who are due to the bad political environment and have a Characteristics, such as medication, alcohol in hand stag tail,behavior of debauchery and the pursuit of popularity, and so on. Then, again against the Wei and Jin dynasty scholars’ leisure activities carried out to illustrate, including the knowledge class leisure activities, such as talking and a game of chess. Entertainment leisure activities, such as birds fed and to enable the animal fights. There is art leisure activities, such as appreciating landscape garden, appreciation figures and love for music.
