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篇名 論李賀詩歌之膚覺意象與其任奉禮郎之關係
卷期 6
並列篇名 Explore the Relationship between Lee Ho's Poetic Skin-sensation Imagery and His Position as Ritual Facilitator
作者 王盈潔
頁次 139-155
關鍵字 李賀奉禮郎膚覺意象Lee HoRitual facilitatorSkin-sensation imagery
出刊日期 201007




Lee Ho’s poetry is characterized by a sense of coldness and darkness, as if he is immediately connected to the underworld. The origin of his inspirations is intriguing. Here I am attempting to observe correlations among Lee Ho’s poems, his personality and experiences, and further
explore Lee Ho’s position as the Tai-chang-szu Ritual Facilitator in more depth. Since the official ranking of Ritual Facilitator was below the ninth class, which was not only very humble, but was also frequently exposed to ceremonies and rituals that were highly associated with the underworld;such a reality was quite a blow to Lee Ho’s self esteem because he was one of the noble decedents of the Tang Dynasty. This further intensified the cold and dark side of his personality, and greatly
influenced his poetic style. Based on Lee Ho’s poetic characteristics, this study seeks to find the relationship between them and his position as Ritual Facilitator.
