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篇名 羽球運動訓練強度及評估指標之簡介
卷期 6
並列篇名 The Evaluation Index and Training Intensity of Badminton
作者 劉瑩芳高幸利蘇榮立
頁次 171-178
關鍵字 心跳率運動時間血尿素氮肌酸激酶Heart rateExercise durationBlood urea nitrogenCreatine kinase
出刊日期 201007




Badminton is a net movement across its uniqueness as a agile, strong and fast-moving and explosive, often in a very short period of time into strength, competition, players have to make urgent running, STOP, and instantly change direction, etc. movement changes, movement and
rhythm from the competition point of view, it is non-cyclical skills, but from time to view the whole race, in which the supply of anaerobic metabolism of non-lactic acid accounted for 30-40%,while the aerobic system, accounting for 60-70%, is a high-intensity intermittent exercise, in the badminton training, the use of physiological and biochemical indicators not only can assess the training effectiveness, assessment, training, capacity, that degree of muscle fatigue and injury, as
well as exercise training can improve the scientific standard. Therefore, this article by badminton training and the physiological and biochemical literature arranged and can be used as future coaches and players at all levels of training, the reference in order to enhance the standard of the
domestic badminton, but to obtain good results in international
