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篇名 運動參與程度與情緒智力之關係研究
卷期 6
並列篇名 A Study on the Relationships between the Participation Degrees in Sports and Emotional Intelligence Ability
作者 楊欽城白春榮李亭儀溫著光
頁次 179-187
關鍵字 運動參與程度情緒智力The participation degrees in sportsThe emotional intelligence ability
出刊日期 201007


本研究目的旨在探討運動參與程度和情緒智力之關係。本研究採用楊欽城(2010,審稿中)所編制之「大專學生情緒智力量表」為研究工具,並採立意隨機抽樣方式,以中興大學、逢甲大學及朝陽科技大學各70 位學生為研究對象。問卷回收後,剔除填答不完整及整份問卷填答同一答案之問卷,計得有效問卷196 份,有效回收率為93.3%。問卷資料經Pearson 相關係數分析及單因子變異數分析後獲得以下結論:一、運動參與和情緒智力及情緒智力五大構面能力中的自我情緒的瞭解、自我情緒的管理及自我激勵呈現低度的正相關;在他人情緒的認知及人際關係的管理則無顯著相關。二、運動參與程度與自我情緒的瞭解能力、自我情緒的管理能力及自我激勵能力達顯著水準,且高參與程度大於中、低參與程度。綜合上述研究結果發現:運動的參與對於自我情緒的調節是有明顯的助益,而且運動參與程度愈高者在自我情緒的瞭解能力、自我情緒的管理能力及自我激勵能力愈高。


The purpose on this research is to discuss the relationships between the participation degrees in sports and the emotional intelligence
ability. “College Student Emotional Intelligence Scale” by Yang Qin Cheng (2010, in editing) as the research tool and 210 students,70 students per university,are random selected from National Chung Hsing University, Feng Chia University, and Chaoyang University. Incomplete questionnaires and the same answers throughout the questionnaires are rejected after questionnaires are collected; 196 questionnaires are used in this research, the response rate is 93.3%. Questionnaires are analyzed by Pearson correlation coefficient analysis and one-way ANOVA, and conclusions are obtained as following:First, the five perspectives, understanding self-emotion, emotional management, and selfencouragement
in participation degrees in sports and the emotional intelligence ability and the emotional intelligence ability, are positive correlation; the managements in knowing others’emotion and cognition and interpersonal relationships are negative correlation.Second, the participation degrees in sports with understanding self-emotion, emotional management, and self-encouragement are significant, and high level of participation is greater than medium and low level of participations.As the results of the study found that, the participation in sports helps the regulation in
self-emotion, and higher participation degrees in sports in the capacities of understanding self-emotion, emotional management, and self-encouragement are higher.
