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篇名 神醫華陀形象之探析--由《三國志》與《三國演義》論
卷期 6
並列篇名 Analysis on the Traces of Hua Tuo--Survey in
作者 柯岳君
頁次 157-170
關鍵字 華陀三國志三國演義Hua TuoHistory of the three kingdomsThe romance of the three kingdoms
出刊日期 201007




According to “History of the Three Kingdoms” and “The Romance of the Three
Kingdoms”, Hua Tuo is a famous doctor active at the later period of Han Dynasty. He practises medicine technique superb, and then stew medicine to treat diseases; usually patient recovered to health quickly. Hua Tuo not only is a famous doctor, according to “History of the Three Kingdoms”, he’s erudite and practise medicine benefit people at the chaotic, but eventually been killed. Future generations' many understanding toward the image of Hua Tuo,come from “History of the Three Kingdoms”, and “The Romance of the Three Kingdoms”. So,this text wants to unmask the dissimilarity in the interval from the analysis comparison, through various ancient medical skill miracles and differentiates and analyzes and finally seek to know the image of Hua Tuo.
