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篇名 以電子專業檔案推動幼稚園教師專業發展評鑑之成效研究
卷期 74
並列篇名 The Study of the Effect of E-portfolio on Kindergarten Teacher Evaluation for Professional Development
作者 許玉齡吳秀清
頁次 120-145
關鍵字 教師專業發展教師評鑑教師電子專業檔案幼稚園教師teacher professional developmentteacher evaluationteacher e-portfolioearly childhood educator
出刊日期 201107


"本研究旨在探討以電子專業檔案簡報作為工具,推動幼稚園教師進行專業發展評鑑之成效。本文係以北部某公立幼稚園進行教師專業發展評鑑之參與教師為研究對象,研究者以輔導者的角色,探討如何協助全園26 位教師於2008年起進行為期一學年的「教師專業發展評鑑」,藉以發展幼稚園教師的專業能力,提升幼稚園教師教學品質。本研究透過參與教師教學研討會以及分析教師專業檔案、教師專業發展評鑑自評檔案、教學會議紀錄、教師評鑑問卷與心得紀錄等文件,並輔以訪談法進行研究資料蒐集與分析。研究者發現,以團體共同檢視教學電子檔案取代評鑑入班觀察與輔導的方式,尤其適合每天都是滿堂無法調開課務的幼教場域,亦是節省時間、精簡人力與有效提升教學策略的教師專業評鑑模式,故該園教師以電子專業檔案作為工具,透過簡報會議公開討論的方式進行教師專業發展評鑑是可行的方式,此研究過程達成以下四點成效:一、電子檔簡報(PPT)具體呈現影像,加速了教師相互學習及自我檢視的機會。二、電子檔呈現的具體佐證資料,引導教師聚焦討論評鑑內涵。三、教師同儕共同檢視電子檔教學資料,可複製並有效提昇教師教學策略。四、以電子檔案進行教師專業發展評鑑,快速凝聚教師個人與團隊組織的專業發展目標。


"This study investigated the effect of having kindergarten teachers use electronic portfolio as the major medium for evaluation to enhance their professional competency. The qualitative research methods, particularly artifacts and interviews, were adopted for data collection. Artifacts included school meeting records, teacher writings, evaluation papers, and individual plans for teacher professional development. Interviews were also conducted.The findings indicated that the collective evaluation of individual e-portfolio was a highly effective mechanism compared to the individual, on-site evaluation. This approach was especially appropriate in an early childhood education context where teachers basically had their time filled to the maximum capacity. Four results in particular were shown with the implementation of e-portfolio evaluation. They are as follows.1. E-portfolio presented visual images, which facilitated teachers'own evaluation and mutual learning among teachers.2. E-portfolio concretely provided supplementary materials, which helped teachers focus on the evaluation content.3. The collective viewing of individual e-portfolio made the simulation and enhancement of teaching strategies possible4. E-portfolio, when used for teacher evaluation, efficiently connected individual teacher's professional development and the whole organization's goal."
