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篇名 雲霄飛車能量轉換之研究
卷期 26
並列篇名 The Study of Energy Transformation for Roller Coaster
作者 蔡政男何尉仲謝政廷
頁次 065-074
關鍵字 雲霄飛車拋體機械能守恆能量守恆摩擦Roller coasterProjectileConservation of mechanical energyConservation of energyFriction
出刊日期 201310




Kinematics is based on Physical mechanics. The study of projectile is to be part of kinematics in planar motion. By studying the roller coaster project, the relation between mechanical energy conservation and energy conservation was discussed. Our team successfully analyzed the movement of roller coaster, related to consumption of friction. As a result, conducting the experiment entirely without friction of the mechanical energy is impossible. Due to the inaccuracy of the instrument, it is hard to find out the initial velocity of projectile. Nevertheless, we have successfully demonstrated the initial velocity of projectile and angle of movement using synthetic ball trajectory and motion film, which verified, the projectile’s trajectory equation and overcomes the limitation of instrument.
