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篇名 數學需求智能與數學核心能力之品質機能展開研究
卷期 26
並列篇名 Appling Quality Function Deployment to Analyze the Correlation between Intelligences and Core Capabilities of Mathematics
作者 蘇懿蔣治平陳坤茂
頁次 085-110
關鍵字 Kano模式技職教育品質機能展開統計數學KanoMathematicsQuality Function DeploymentStatisticsTechnological and Vocational Education
出刊日期 201310




The technological and vocational education (TVE) in Taiwan has been substantially developing and contributing to the promotion of national competitiveness. To further enhance the quality of TVE education, tailored student’s pragmatic skills to the needs of enterprise unit is essential. Therefore, in this study the quality function deployment (QFD) is used to extract the correlation between core capabilities and intelligences of mathematics, filtered from the needs of occupation. A questionnaire designed from Kano’s two-dimensional quality model and some hypothesis tests are considered to categorize the mathematic intelligences into levels of demand features. The results reveal that two types of mathematics categories, inference capabilities and descriptive capabilities, can be used to depict the intelligences of mathematics; the Kano’s model induces that three items are attributed to must-be quality and two items are listed in one-dimensional quality. In addition, the ranking of core capabilities of mathematics in QFD is not significant in both graduates and vocations. In the end, the featured clusters between intelligences and core capabilities of mathematics are found via the correlation analysis of QFD.
