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篇名 國民小學校長創新領導與組織氣氛關係之研究──以桃園市為例
卷期 4:11
並列篇名 The Research of the Relationship Between principals’ innovative leadership and Organizational Climate of Elementary School Teachers in Taoyuan City
作者 林和春康惠雅
頁次 194-220
關鍵字 國民小學校長創新領導學校組織氣氛elementary schoolprincipal’s innovative leadershipschool organizational climate
出刊日期 201511




This research study aimed to detect the correlation between principal’s innovative leadership and organizational climate of elementary school teachers in Taoyuan City. A questionnaire, termed “the relationship between principal’s innovative leadership and organizational climate of elementary school teachers”, was adopted to collect empirical data for further statistical analysis. Results and implications of the study were summarized below: (1) Middle to higher levels of innovative leadership were significantly correlated with students’ creativity, whereas non-significantly correlated with the dimension of “utilization of resources for creativity”. (2) Positive correlations were found between principal’s innovative leadership and organizational climate; significant correlation was detected between principal’s innovative leadership and the “openness” dimension under the organizational climate construct. (3) Teachers’ perceptions towards principal’s innovative leadership differed significantly as a function of their position titles and school sizes. (4) Teachers’ perceptions towards school climate differed as a function of their gender, age, years of service, position titles and school sizes. (5) Principal’s innovative leadership was found to be a predictor of school climate.

