
體育學報 TSSCI

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篇名 國小體育科輔導員之教學行為探究--以三種系統觀察工具分析並檢視其適用性
卷期 20
並列篇名 Teaching Behavior Inquiry into Physical Education Counsellor for Elementary School--using three observation systems and examining their appUcability
作者 劉仙湧
頁次 179-190
關鍵字 體育科輔導員督導行為指導行為球類遊戲輔導員田徑輔導員Physical education counsellorInstructing behaviorManaging behaviorPECBGPEClFMonitoring behaviorTSSCI
出刊日期 199512


國小體育科輔導員的教學行烏有以下特色:一、管理行為一一田徑輔導員的管理效率在活動開始時最高,結束時最低;球類遊戲輔導員則相反。二、指導行為一一以架構課題與控制島主、其次傳遞訊息及觀察,較少給于學生回饋、讚美/鼓勵、發悶。三、督導行為-1.身體移動型態較不積極,習慣固定在場地的一小區域教學。2.教學內容側重創新、多樣性的活動設計。 三種研究工具各有其特色與限制:1.DACOME- PE針對管理行鳥及效率分析,但過於細分。 2. DIBA將直接教學概念具體行為化,但不夠詳盡。 3. TMAS能同時觀察記錄教師身體移動型態及教學內容,唯行為類目需再整合。


The analysis of teaching behavior for physical education counsellors on elementary school is: l.ManagingBehavior-- ThePECTF's managing efficiency is highest at the beginning of the activity and lowest at the end;PECBG's is just the opposite. 2.1nstructing Behavior--Both the physical education counsellors' teaching behaviors are mainly structuring and controlling;then, informing and observing,seldom giving students feedback, praise/encouragement and questions. 3.Monitoring Behavior-- (1)The physical movement patterns of both the physical education counsellors are not active enough. Theyare used to teach at few certain sectors. (2) The teaching content enphasizes innovation and variety of the activity design. Nevertheless, three different instruments have their own features and restraints, respectively: (1)DACOME-PE is a little detailed. (2) DIBA oversimplifies the teaching behavior. (3) TMAS's catagories don't include some special teaching behavior of the physical education counsellors.

