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篇名 Designing for Tactile Difference Product Identity of CNC Machine Tools with Kansei
卷期 2013英
作者 Li ZhangKe Jiang
頁次 057-062
關鍵字 CNC machine toolsImageKanseiProduct identityTactilen
出刊日期 201312



Good design of Computer Numerically Controlled (CNC) machine tools, which is as the iconic product of a manufacturing enterprise, is very important to the brand shaping and identification. Users identify the brand and product rather than operation but by perceiving it first by the five affection channels, like visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory and tactile senses. The visual is the primary and abusive way to help customer to tell what the difference is while the tactile experience makes user's affection and emotional retention with the experience interacted with the product. Tactile sense is the interactive communication between user and product based on the relationship of human skin surface and product’s tangible interface. Explanation on why and how people have feedback to touch the different material and recognize the brands of CNC machine tools is very complicated at present. This paper as a preliminary stage is going to discuss the possibility and strategy of tactile sense in the system of Product Identity. This paper will adopt semantic differential questionnaire to research the relationship among different material textures by touch perception, and it also argues that the combination of different material at essential components of CNC machine tools did influence the image and identification from consumer to the product.

