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篇名 Research of GM(0,N) Applied on the Strategic Development of Transnational Dog Food Sold in Taiwan
卷期 2013英
作者 Jen-Chin ChungChaang-Yung KungChang-Chun Yang
頁次 158-158
關鍵字 TransnationalQuality of productsServing standardGM
出刊日期 201312



The two concepts of this research are: first, to study the chiefly successful factors about the method of transnational importing dog food that is sold in Taiwan; second, to analyze the operating tactic about how to build good serving images and quality of products in customers’ minds. First of all, the research creates the key practical assessment index of brand and product management from the reference to extract serving standard ploy. Next, it designs questionnaires for importing or native dogs’ food and chooses either one as representative brand to assay the key points to success with GM (0, N) in order to throw out the suggestions to the companies which tend to run their own bands with the results of operating methods. Certainly, the result shows that GM (0, N) is fitful to the analysis of brand operating management, which can help the broad businesses build the effective way about setting up the brands. This research not only has profound considerations but also the experiences about importing brands for dog food of successful factors to share with people in the same field.

