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篇名 Color Application Analysis of Portable Touch Device
卷期 2013英
作者 Chun-Ming LienShuu-Jia Wen
頁次 171-171
關鍵字 Kansei engineeringPortable touch deviceColor planColor imagery
出刊日期 201312



Owing to the prevalence of portable touch devices, such as Tablet Personal Computer and Smart Phone and also the popularity of Internet and Social Networking Service, the portable touch devices which equip independent Operation System and could extend its functions by installing applied software and game programs have become consumer’s major choice. Through visions, colors could provide different feelings in mental and physiology way which would bring visual color preference and then influence consumer’s purchasing and using desire. However, current portable touch device develops its touching gestures, equipment efficiency and supporting software as mainly subjects. Most of the color of these devices is black or white and it seldom focus on consumer’s perceptual needs. This study used SD method and Kaisei Engineering to do analysis and discussed consumer’s color imagery and preference about portable touch devices. Hope it could be a reference for designers when allocating colors in their portable touch device.

