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篇名 Applying Kansei Engineering on the Design of Digital Camera of Older Adults
卷期 2013英
作者 Wang-Chin TsaiKung-Chih Lo
頁次 172-172
關鍵字 Kansei engineeringQuantification theory type 1Digital cameraOlder adults
出刊日期 201312



The goal of this study is to identify the design elements of digital camera of older adults by using Kansei Engineering. This study based on the user-centered concept attempts to construct the relationship between the design of digital camera and the feeling of older users. The questionnaire method is used in this study for 130 older participants. The steps of this study are: the collection and classification of Kansei words, the analysis of Knasei words and design elements, and the verification of results. The contribution of this study is to provide a method for the designers in the design of digital camera of older adults. A list of design guideline is proposed for designer. By following the design suggestion result, the designers are able to consider the complex relationship between the older users and the product via Kansei Engineering methods.

