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篇名 The Weighting Analysis of Capacity and Siltation in Reservoir via GM (0, N) Method
卷期 2013英
作者 Yuan-Chieh ChinHung-Yuan HsiehHsiao-Chih Chen
頁次 075-082
關鍵字 Water resourcesFeitsui ReservoirReservoir sedimentationGMinfluenceWeighting
出刊日期 201312



Due to irregularity of the time of rainfall in Taiwan, short rivers, steep hills and rapid streams, rain water rapidly flow into the ocean and cannot be saved. Therefore, the sustainable use of water resources in the reservoir becomes Taiwan's most stable and reliable foundation. The Feitsui Reservoir is an important reservoir in northern Taiwan, but because of disasters like earthquakes and typhoons, the catchment surface had been eroded by rain and a lot of sediment collapsed or erosion of reservoir storage, making it a particularly serious siltation problem. In water conservancy engineering, reservoir sedimentation calculation is an important aspect of reservoir sedimentation and soil conservation projects; planning and forecasting results is necessary for the operation of the reservoirs. The silting of the river basin is a combined result of natural and human factors, not only by rainfall (especially rain), but also by river debris slides. The previous studies on the calculation of reservoir sedimentation estimated the total reservoir sedimentation and the process of change, or study the regularity on reservoir sedimentations, deriving various parameters from direct calculation methods and river dynamics model, but studies have been limited by a large structure. Therefore, the proposed use of the GM (0, N) in grey system theory, directly from the system input survey data, and with Feitsui Reservoir as the subject of study of reservoir sedimentation changes influence factors in weighting analysis, providing a scientific basis for further reservoir control management.

