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篇名 Study of Weighting Rank of Medical English Teaching Content in Nursing Students via Grey Relational Analysis
卷期 2013英
作者 Ming-Ling ChaoYan-Bi Chang
頁次 148-148
關鍵字 Medical EnglishGrey system theoryGrey relational analysisweightingMatlab
出刊日期 201312



Medical English is an obligatory subject and is faced in clinical everyday for nursing students. Most medical English teaching materials are too complicated, disorderly and confused. Nursing students always feel this subject are very difficult and not easy to learn, causing low learning motivation and interesting. The main reason is the teachers usually use traditional teaching style, one chapter by one chapter, not a series teaching content. The study was using grey relational analysis in grey system theory to explore the weighting rank of the ten teaching contents. Six teaching Medical English teachers participated in this study. Thirty-six hours teaching contents were included, including history, physical examination, order, progress note, laboratory data, operation note, anesthesia record, consultation note, discharge summary, and health education. Additionally, Matlab soft ware was used to calculate and analyze the large data. From the practical example, the result indicated the importance of each unit to the whole teaching content. The study showed the continuity between the units of the Medical English teaching content, as a teaching assistance way.

