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篇名 Determining the Manufacturing Parameter in the Color Filter Process by the Grey Silhouette Coefficient
卷期 2013英
作者 Che-Jung ChangWen-Li Dai
頁次 165-165
關鍵字 ForecastingGrey theoryHybrid modelSmall data set
出刊日期 201312



Small-data-set learning is an important problem in various fields. The early stage of manufacturing system is a positive example about this issue. Manufacturers need sufficient management knowledge to lower overall production cost, but it is a hard task due to the acquired observations are limited. This study thus develops the grey silhouette coefficient to build a hybrid model for solving the small-data-set forecasting problem. The color filter manufacturing data is employed here to verify the effectiveness and practical application value of the proposed approach. The experiment results indicate that the developed modeling procedure can bring a better outcome with the limited data. Accordingly, the proposed method is considered a feasible tool for the small-data-set forecasting problem.

