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篇名 The Feasibility Study of ISM Toolbox via Matlab GUI
卷期 2013英
作者 Kun-Li WenHong-Hai LiYu-Lun HuangMei-Li You
頁次 123-128
關鍵字 Kansei engineeringInterpretive structure modelingHierarchical analysisMatlabGraphical user interface
出刊日期 201312



In the quantitative of educational data, interpretive structure modeling is one of the important models in kansei engineering, because the main function of interpretive structure modeling is to deal with complex issues. It can not only do hierarchical analysis to complex systems, but also clusters the system structure, which provides a method to solve the system problems. However, through the practical application in the past, we found that the calculation processes are quite boring and very complex. Therefore, the paper starts from the software engineering point of view to use Matlab to develop supporting calculation and analyzing computer graphical user interface (GUI) toolbox, to help the complex calculation and simplex the analysis in system problem. Through the verification of two practical examples, we can found that it has high accuracy and high convenience at the same time, which can also increase the breadth and practicality of interpretive structure modeling in the hierarchical analysis filed.

