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篇名 A Study of Assessment on Educational Philosophy with FCA and MSM –a Case Study on Selected Units of Philosophy
卷期 2013英
作者 Hui-Chung HoSu-Lien LiaoHsiu-Jye ChiangKao-Der KungMasatake Nagai
頁次 173-173
關鍵字 FCAIncomplete understanding of the test itemsStructure of expertiseOne-lesson-multiple-designTechniques of educational engineering
出刊日期 201312



Knowledge society and e-learning provide new instructional paradigm; preview and assessment also enhance their functions. Educational philosophy is one of the professional subjects in education. It is important because it helps students develop their logics of thinking, value systems, and discourse abilities. The purposes of analyzing the assessment on educational philosophy with FCA and MSM were to fulfill the feedback function of assessments, to select and construct the knowledge system of the incomplete understanding of the test questions, to make contrast with the structure of expertise, to carry out one-lesson-multiple-design or remedial instructions, to apply meta-analysis, and to propose techniques of educational engineering as new educational expertise.

