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篇名 The Application of Kansei Engineering for Game Control Device
卷期 2013英
作者 Yu-Ling YuJeih-Jang Liou
頁次 170-170
關鍵字 Kansei engineeringGame controller
出刊日期 201312



This paper aimed to understand interaction between the controller and the user. Experiment with different controllers. Then use the perceptual questionnaires to collect, the use of gray relational analysis visual, auditory, tactile, and controlling the effectiveness of other factors. Investigate controller of human interaction, the user manipulate different game controller and different virtual games, operating results and Kansei Engineering. Moreover in this study for the high score group and low score group analysis. Finally found users tend to operate the keyboard and Gamepad, instead, the score is above a user group joystick, while low-scoring group users are not accustomed to joystick.

