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篇名 淺談運動社團指導教師
卷期 2012
並列篇名 Talking of sports clubs instructor
作者 陳韋豪高榮傑
頁次 193-200
關鍵字 運動社團社團指導教師專業素養Sports clubsSocieties instructorProfessionalism
出刊日期 201211




Sports clubs are the opportunity and the environment for today's students to participate in extra-curricular sports, societies instructor is a necessary condition for operating Societies indispensable, in this paper, a comprehensive analysis through the printing of books and various scholars, instructor in sports clubs play the role, as well as a sports instructor of Societies should have what kind of conservation. Summarized the sports associations instructor sorted out according to their candidate sources can be divided into school candidates and external teachers. A Societies instructor, professional competence, emotional interaction, organization and operation aspects are its role in the societies. While the the excellent sports associations instructor should have the expertise, skills, attitudes, and self-growth, literacy, Expectations for future interest as sports clubs, instructor and the selection of the reference schools.

