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篇名 游泳池業破壞性創新之探討
卷期 2012
並列篇名 Discussion of the pool industry disruptive innovation
作者 程智偉
頁次 215-224
關鍵字 游泳池服務創新破壞式創新Poolservice innovationundermine innovation
出刊日期 201211




There are a lot of swimming clubs and SPA which are possessed of sauna, steam saunas, smoke saunas, jacuzzi, and SPA equipments, the purpose of business is servings. But they change their purpose of business into leisure and fitness to invest in the market recently. But now, consumers place more and more importance on their rights. Proprietors pay lots of respect to hold out quality of servings, to retain customers, and to strive for new clients. We also discuss how do proprietors of swimming pools open up the new clients, and we also realize does it make sense about “disruptive innovation.” We analyze the virtual value of disruptive innovation for the swimming pools’ proprietors. We also adopt these two innovation types, low-end disruption and new-market disruptions which are mentioned by Clayton Christensen, to discuss the original service innovation and the method of management, and also bring up new projects to raise competitiveness and inner value. These could be for reference under the circumstance of keen competition. Through this research, we find out the new market of the swimming pool, and the method to manage it. We also suggest them to find out their own advantage. Through these two different kinds of innovation types to develop different markets, according as clients to get more clients, and distinguish from normal market.

