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篇名 影響再購因素之探討-以運動傷害痠痛藥布為例
卷期 2012
並列篇名 Affecting factors of the repurchase decision
作者 黃彥綾
頁次 325-338
關鍵字 再購因素痠痛藥布運動傷害Repurchase demandsPain relief patchSports injuries
出刊日期 201211


從2008年經濟大海嘯到2012年全球經濟大蕭條持續呈現低迷不景氣,舉凡每個企業無不面臨更激烈的競爭環境;而愈不景氣的時代,人們也愈發現運動保健在生涯中開始扮演更重要的角色,因此在銀髮族的族群裡,不斷開始養成運動的習慣,而在不正確的運動下,也造就了許許多多銀髮族運動傷害的身體問題。對於銀髮族而言最方便降低疼痛的方式,即是購買痠痛貼布。在臺灣現今痠痛藥布的市場上品牌不勝枚舉,對於每一家痠痛藥布的企業經營者而言,可以說是內憂外患,不僅必須追上創新研發的技術,更需要把持住原物料及油電雙漲的壓力,在這前仆後繼的壓力之下,該如何守住運動消費者的心使業績成長,實為不容易。因此談到社會經濟價值的演進,已從商品經濟、財貨經濟、服務經濟,進入體驗經濟的時代,演進的目的性更不外乎是希望獲得運動消費者更多的信任與依賴性,帶動產品的銷售佳績,這也就成為了此篇研究探討的「再購」訴求。Thomas (1995)指出消費者再購意願的重要性,至少可以從成本的角度加以說明,指出開創新顧客的成本,是維繫既有顧客成本的五倍;Griffin在1996年主張忠誠顧客會有經常性重複購買、願意購買公司所提供的各種類的產品或服務、願意幫公司建立口碑、以及對其他業者的促銷活動不受影響的行為無動於衷。據此,本研究藉由探討消費者再購意願相關影響因素之文獻探討-包括是否會受到體驗的過程、品牌形象、人口背景、服務品質、繳費方式、促銷活動、購買便利性、產品來源國、促銷活動等因素,影響消費者之再購意願。


From the 2008 significant economic inflation continued to the Great Depression of the 2012, global economic downturn covered each business enterprises which are facing more intense competitive environment. In the recession era, it is not only discovered that more health care career began to play a more important role in the population of senior citizens, continuing to develop exercise habits, incorrect movement, but also created more and more multi sports injuries and seniors physical problems. The most convenient way to reduce pain for seniors is purchasing soreness patch. There are numerous brands of soreness patch on the market in Taiwan. For every soreness medicine cloth business, it can be said that it has many difficulties to operate. It is required that not only catch up with the innovation and research and development of technology, but also keep an eye on the pressure of raw materials, oil and electrical increases. In fact, under this pressure, it is not easy to understand how to catch the consumers’ movement and increase its growth. Regardless of the evolution of the socio-economic value, from the commodity economy, goods economy, service economy, moving into the experienced economy era, the purpose of evolution is to hope gaining trust and reliability from the sports consumers, moreover, driving the sales success of the product. In which, this study has become the research of repurchase demands. Thomas (1995) pointed out that the importance of consumer intentions of repurchase. From the perspective of the costs, creating the new customers spent five times more than maintaining existing customer. In 1996, Griffin advocated that loyal customers have frequently repeated purchase and the willing to buy the products or services. Furthermore, the company provides a variety of classes, and is willing to help the company to establish reputation, as well as is not affected by other industry promotional activities. Accordingly, this study is discussing the factors of consumer repurchase willingness related, including experience, brand image, demographic background, quality of service, payment methods, promotional activities, purchase of convenience, the origin of the products state, promotional activities, affecting consumers' repurchase intentions.

