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篇名 運動與品德之探討
卷期 2012
並列篇名 The discussion between sports and character
作者 王雅薏楊進益
頁次 291-300
關鍵字 正負品德運動家精神positive/negative charactersportsmanship
出刊日期 201211




Having good character is not only good for children in their life but also a fundament for success. Sportsmanship, which has been proposed, may prove the positive value of character development. However, the positive influence of sports on society was impacted by the recent illegal-gambling-baseball-games, the group fighting in sport games, and dispiriting sport games. The present article aimed to investigate the core value of character by reviewing papers in this field, and the positive/negative effect of the relationship between sport and character, and then figure out the possible reasons. Lastly, we proposed the strategies to foster the positive character and to prevent the negative character in sports. In sum, we expect the present article can benefit the development of physical education in Taiwan.

