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篇名 游泳池管理顧問業之經營策略分析
卷期 2012
並列篇名 The Operation Strategies Analysis of Swimming Pool Facility Management Consulting Business
作者 楊琇然
頁次 225-234
關鍵字 策略管理委外經營Strategic managementoutsourcing operation
出刊日期 201211




As the environment and society change and shift with time, swimming pool facility operators are gradually forced to close or to consent to be sold due to considerable profit loss. To save themselves from the economical dire, public-run pools, private sectors and those belongs to community buildings are commissioning professional third party in charge of management and operation. All these then bring birth to the prosperity of swimming pool facility commissioner industry. Due to a lack of consistent formal proper noun for such industry, hereinafter it will be addressed as “Swimming Pool Facility Management Consulting Business”. The thesis mainly discuss about the operational module of Swimming Pool Facility Management Consulting Business, and via related theories of strategic management, outline how operators can progressively respond to changing environment and to seize business opportunity with the acknowledgment of interior and outer environmental changes. Furthermore, it will look into how to properly apply one’s own interior and outer resources to establish competitive advantages and maintain unique strengths to accomplish organization goals. It will unfold first with discussion of the definition and procedure of management and later explain the actual application of strategic management procedures.

