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篇名 Research on the Development of China、Rural Banks
卷期 17下
作者 Wu dexunZhang xuemei
頁次 100-113
關鍵字 Rural BankIssueCountermeasureDevelopment
出刊日期 201605



In recent years, in order to achieve the magnificent targets of building a well-off society in an all-round way and constructing a new socialist countryside, the Chinese government has continuously issued first documents about the three agriculture-related issues, constantly increased the promotion of rural economic growth and income growth of the peasants, further advanced the reform of rural financial system and established three types of new rural financial institutions. The rural bank, as one kind of new rural financial institution, its establishment is a significant breakthrough for the reform of rural financial system. Meanwhile, after China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC) adjusted and eased access policy for rural banking financial institutions, the rural bank has played a significant role in economic development of local peasants, rural areas and agriculture in China and is of important significance to promote the formation of a new rural financial system and consummate the financial system. However, due to a late start, many existing factors, such as small development space of rural banking business, weak risk control capability, undefined various supporting preferential policies,lack of pertinence in financial supervision mode and difficult realization of the “strict supervision”,have restricted the rapid development of rural banks and severely confined the economic development in rural areas. Therefore, it is imperative to energetically develop multi-level, broadly-covered and sustainable rural financial system and actively build new rural financial organizations with investment diversification, plenty of varieties, closeness to issues of agriculture, farmers and rural areas and efficient services. This paper analyzes the problems existing in the development of rural banks in China and their causes, attempting to explore the feasible countermeasures to solve these problems.

