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篇名 生牛乳中益生菌之色胺酸衍生物產能及抗發炎能力探討
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Anti-inflammatory effect of bovine raw milk-isolated probiotic with high tryptophan derivative producing ability
作者 陳佑易吳藝璐王彩馨魏天恩郭呈欽陳彥伯
頁次 087-087
關鍵字 抗發炎益生菌色胺酸衍生物Anti-inflammationProbioticsTryptophan derivative
出刊日期 201712


色胺酸衍生物已知能夠抑制氧環合酶 2(cyclooxygenase-2;COX-2)過度表現,進而降低發炎反 應以及癌症細胞之遷移與入侵。因此本試驗旨在以此抗發炎色胺酸衍生物產量做為篩菌依據,自生 牛乳中篩選出產量較高之菌株做為具抗發炎潛力之益生菌;並將其培養於MRS 培養基、脫脂乳、 全脂乳三種不同環境中,評估在不同環境中生長情況與色胺酸衍生物之產量差異。此外,將以其發 酵上清液加入小鼠巨噬細胞株(RAW 264.7)評估其抗發炎能力。結果顯示,於生牛乳所篩選出之 85 種菌株中以Lactobacillus casei Y310 之色胺酸衍生物產量最高,而於三種不同培養環境中發現 其在 MRS 培養基生長最快,但自 16 小時候菌數就開始下降,而全脂乳可在培養兩天後讓菌數 持續上升,且會產生最大量之色胺酸衍生物。此外,L. casei Y310 之發酵上清液可於細胞試驗中 抑制脂多醣(lipopolysaccharide, LPS)所引起之發炎反應。綜上所述,依色胺酸衍生物產量而自生 牛乳中所篩選出之抗發炎益生菌具有發展潛力。


Tryptophan derivative is known to be able to inhibit inflammatory responses, migration and invasion of cancer cells through down-regulating the overexpression of cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2). Thus, the aim of this study was to select potential anti-inflammatory probiotics with high production of tryptophan derivative. Furthermore, the selected strains were cultured in MRS broth, skim milk and whole milk for evaluating the optimal growth condition and production of tryptophan derivative. The anti-inflammatory effects of probiotic and its fermentation supernatant were evaluated in murine macrophage cell line RAW 264.7 stimulated by lipopolysaccharide (LPS). The results revealed that the selected Lactobacillus casei Y310 from 85 strains produced the most tryptophan derivative. The growth of L. casei Y310 in MRS broth was the fastest, but the number of bacteria began to decrease from 16 hours. The number of bacteria in whole milk still increased after two days. The production of tryptophan derivative was the highest in whole milk, and the fermentation supernatant inhibited the inflammatory response induced by lipopolysaccharide in RAW264.7 cell. Overall, our data indicates that the selected anti-inflammatory probiotics from bovine raw milk with high production of tryptophan derivative has potential for development.

