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篇名 棕櫚仁粕部分取代苜蓿對紐西蘭白兔之兔肉感官特性影響
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Effects of palm kernel meal partly replaced alfalfa on sensory attributes of meat obtained from New Zealand White rabbit
作者 陳志銘呂俊榮吳錫勳劉炳燦
頁次 271-271
關鍵字 棕櫚仁粕感官特性Palm kernel mealRabbitSensory attributes
出刊日期 201712


在商用肉兔飼糧中普遍使用苜蓿作為其蛋白質與纖維的來源,但其成本近年來已 大幅提高。棕櫚仁粕(palm kernel meal, PKM)為榨油後所產生之高纖維副產品, 其產量大且價格相對低廉,而且不會影響動物的屠體品質,故本文旨在探討以棕 櫚仁粕部分取代苜蓿對紐西蘭白兔肉感官特性之影響。試驗動物為 48 隻五週齡 紐西蘭白兔(New Zealand White, NZW)依性別與體重逢機分為三個處理組,每組 含公母各八隻,三處理組分別為 A(棕櫚仁粕取代 20% 苜蓿)、B(棕櫚仁粕取 代40%苜蓿)和 C(一般商用飼糧),並於十二週齡時屠宰。結果顯示,飼糧中使 用棕櫚仁粕取代苜蓿對兔肉感品評特性(包括總接受性)皆無顯著差異(P > 0.05)。 綜合上述,肉兔飼糧中使用 40% 棕櫚仁粕取代苜蓿,可有效降低飼料成本,且不 影響兔肉感官特性評分。


Alfalfa is commonly used in the diet of meat-type rabbits for the resources of proteins and fibers; but the cost of alfalfa is highly increased. palm kernel meal is one kind of by-products with high fibers; there are high amount production and the price is relatively cheap, as well as no effect on carcass quality of animals. This study was conducted to investigate effects of palm kernel meal partly replaced alfalfa on sensory attributes of meat obtained from New Zealand White rabbit. Forty eight 5-week New Zealand White rabbits were randomly assigned into 3 groups that are A, B group (palm kernel meal 20%, 40% partly replaced alfalfa, respectively) and control group (generally commercial diet) as well as those animals were harvested at the 12th week. The results showed that palm kernel meal partly replaced alfalfa in the diet of rabbits had no significant difference on the sensory attributes of meat obtained from rabbits among various treatments. Summarized the above results, it was found that palm kernel meal partly replaced 40% alfalfa in rabbit diets; and effectively reduces feedstuff cost, as well as no effect on the scores of sensory attributes for the meat obtained from those samples.

