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篇名 屠體冷卻處理對土番鴨胸肌 calpain 活性之影響
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Effects of carcass chilling treatments on postmortem calpain activity in mule duck breast muscle
作者 許晏婕楊舒媛張雅琇周榮吉
頁次 249-249
關鍵字 屠體冷卻Calpain土番鴨Carcass chillingCalpain, Mule duck
出刊日期 201712


本研究目的旨在探討屠體冷卻處理對土番鴨胸肌 calpain 活性之影響。取 40 隻土 番鴨屠體,將之逢機分配至 4 個處理組中(A 組:5°C 冷卻土番鴨胸至屠後 12 小 時; B 組:25°C 冷卻至屠後 4 小時,再移到 5°C 至屠後 12 小時;C 組:25°C 冷卻至屠後 8 小時,再移到 5°C 至屠後 12 小時;D 組:25°C 冷卻土番鴨胸至 屠後 12 小時)。各組於屠後 0、4、8 以及 12 小時採集胸大肌樣品分析 pH 及 calpain 活性。結果顯示,pH 及 μ/m-calpain 活性變化在各組間無顯著差異,但 μ-calpain 活性下降則以 D 組較為顯著。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of chilling treatments on postmortem pH and calpain activity in mule duck breast muscle (BM). Forty duck carcasses were divided into 4 chilling treatments: A) chilling at 5°C for 12 h postmortem; B) chilling at 25°C for 4 h and then at 5°C until 12 h postmortem; C) chilling at 25°C for 8 h and then at 5°C until 12 h postmortem; D) chilling at 25°C for 8 h and then at 5°C until 12 h postmortem. (n = 10 for each treatment) in this study. BM samples were randomly taken from the carcasses at 0, 4, 8 and 12 h of chilling for analysis. Results showed that the pH and μ/m-calpain activity were not affected by the treatments, but μ-calpain activity significantly decreased in treatment D.

