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篇名 快板音樂對番鴨生長性能與二氧化碳產生速率之影響
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Fast tempo music on growth performances and carbon dioxide production rates in muscovy ducks
作者 古淨方楊錫坤
頁次 197-197
關鍵字 生長性能代謝速率音樂Growth performancesMetabolic rateMusic
出刊日期 201712


本研究之目的乃在於探討音樂對番鴨生長性狀、食物通過消化道速率、代謝速率之影響。 將 16 隻 4 週齡雄番鴨分成 A、B 二組。兩組皆於每日 08:00、14:00 與 20:00 餵 飼 30 min。在 A 組,每餐於開始餵飼前 5 min 至開始餵飼後 2 hr 播放快節奏音樂“大 黃蜂的飛行”(320 BPM);B 組在此期間不播放音樂。在為期 4 wk 的生長試驗之後, 所有番鴨被測定塑膠粒通過消化道之速率三次。每組 5 隻番鴨在 06:00 至 12:00 被 測定絕食二氧化碳產生速率(CO2 PR),共計 6hr。在 CO2 PR 測定期間,A 組番鴨在 08: 00 至 10:00 仍暴露於快節奏音樂。結果顯示,平均每日採食量、每日增重、飼料效率 在組間並無顯著差異,但採食量在三餐之間具有顯著差異(晚餐顯著較其他二餐為多)。 A 組之塑膠粒通過消化道速率有較 B 組者為快之趨勢(P < 0.1)。平均與最低 CO2 PR 在組間皆無顯著差異,但不同時段之間皆具有顯著差異。綜合而言,快節奏音樂雖然傾向 於增快番鴨食物通過腸道之速率,但對其生長性狀與代謝速率並無影響。


This study intended to determine effects of fast tempo music on growth performances, rate of feed passage through digestive tract, and metabolic rate in Muscovy duck. Sixteen 4-wk male Muscovy ducklings were allotted into either Group A or B. Ducklings were fed at 08:00, 14:00, and 20:00 for 30 min, respectively. Group A was exposed to music “Flight of the Bumblebee” (320 BPM) from 5 min before to 2 hr after the beginning of feeding. Group B was not exposed to music. After 4-wk growth experiment, the rates of plastic particle passage through digestive tract were determined thrice. The fasting carbon dioxide production rates (CO2 PRs) were also determined from 06:00 to 12:00 in 5 ducks each group. During CO2 PR determination, Group A was exposed to the music from 08:00 to 10:00. Results showed that the daily feed intake, daily gain, and feed efficiency did not differ between groups, though the feed intake significantly differed among meals (evening meal was higher than other two). The rate of plastic particle passage through digestive tract in Group A tended to be higher than that in Group B (P < 0.1). Both the mean and minimal CO2 PRs did not differ between groups, though they differed among time-phase significantly. In conclusion, fast tempo music tends to increase feed passage rate, though does not affect growth performances and metabolic rate in Muscovy ducks.

