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篇名 不同床板材質對白羅曼鵝生長及足墊皮膚炎之影響
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 The effects of floor materials on growth performance and footpad dermatitis in White Roman goose
作者 廖士傑林旻蓉張伸彰林宗毅凃柏安
頁次 171-171
關鍵字 床板材質足墊皮膚炎白羅曼鵝Floor materialFootpad dermatitisWhite Roman goose
出刊日期 201712


本研究旨在探討不同高床床板材質對白羅曼鵝鵝生長及足墊皮膚炎之影響,本試驗將 72 隻 2 週齡白羅曼鵝,逢機分配到 4 種處理:對照組(泥土地面組)、塑膠床板組、膨脹網組及金 屬床面組,毎處理 3 欄,每欄 6 隻,公母各半,共 12 欄。試驗鵝隻飼養於非開放式鵝舍, 每欄飼養密度為 0.88 隻/m2,各組採飼糧任飼與自由飲水方式,毎兩週收集生長性狀及足墊 皮膚炎評分資料進行分析。結果顯示,膨脹網組相較對照組有較低之 13 週齡體重(P < 0.05)、 3-13 週齡增重(P = 0.05)及 3-13 週齡飼料轉換率(P < 0.1),金屬床面組相較對照組有較 低之13 週齡體重(P < 0.05)及 3-13 週齡增重(P < 0.1),各組 3-13 週齡採食量皆無顯著 差異(P > 0.05),此外,金屬床面組亦發現相對於對照組有較高足墊皮膚炎分數之趨勢(P < 0.1),顯示鵝隻有較嚴重足墊損傷。綜合上述,高床材質影響 3-13 週齡白羅曼鵝生長性狀 及足墊皮膚炎評分,白羅曼鵝飼養於非開放式鵝舍之塑膠床板高床可與泥土地面飼養鵝隻達相 同水準生長表現。


The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of different floor materials on growth performance and footpad dermatitis in White Roman goose. Seventy-two White Roman geese at age of two weeks were randomly allotted into 4 treatments with 3 replicates: control group (ground), plastic floors, plastic-coated steel floors and wire mesh. There were 3 pens in every treatment and each pen had 6 geese (half male and half female). The geese were raised in the non-opening geese house and the density was 0.88 goose/m2. The feed and water were offered ad libitum during the experimental period. The growth performance and footpad dermatitis score were recorded every 2 weeks. Results showed the plastic-coated steel floors had lower body weight at age of 13 weeks (P < 0.05), body weight gain at age of 3 to 13 weeks (P = 0.05) and feed conversion rate at age of 3 to 13 weeks (P < 0.1) compared to the control group. The wire mesh compared to the control group showed the lower body weight (P < 0.05) at age of 3 weeks and weight gain (P < 0.1) at age of 3 to 13 weeks. There was no difference in feed intake between groups (P > 0.05). Besides, the wire mesh showed the trend of higher footpad dermatitis score compared to the control group (P < 0.1). Indicating the geese had much severe footpad injuries. In conclusion, the floor material could affect the growth performance and footpad dermatitis score in White Roman goose at age of 3 to 13 weeks old. The geese reared in the plastic floors could reach the same level of growth performance with those reared in the ground in non-opening geese house.

