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篇名 五結白鴨之親代選留模式建立
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 The parental selection model established in WUJIE white duck
作者 張惠斌陳志毅魏良原張怡穎劉秀洲
頁次 164-164
關鍵字 親代選拔指數五結白鴨ParentSelection indexWujie White duck
出刊日期 201712


本研究係應用五結白鴨 L401 選育品系之繁殖檢定性狀建立種親之選留標準,以作為後續 繁殖配種依據之參考。第 31 世代母鴨之繁殖檢定包括初產日齡、初產蛋重、初產鴨重與 毛色等性狀表現,公鴨性能評估則以雌親與同源全同胞姊妹鴨群性能均值作為檢定成績之 估算來源,公母鴨再依據後裔毛色檢定、初產蛋重、初產鴨重與初產日齡之檢定順序,以 4:3:2:1 的選拔權重計算選留指數,製作模擬配種表進行種鴨隻繁殖配種,惟公鴨另需考 量採精訓練結果進行選留作業。依此模式運算,公鴨選留率為36.3%,計選留 36 隻,母 鴨選留率為 28.2%,選留 60 隻,在避免近親的情況下,分成 12 個家族,每個家族選留 數量為 3 公 5 母。所選留 36 隻公鴨之檢定指數平均為 100.1,最高 113.2,最低 89.8, 相較原公鴨族群平均 86.2,指數差異度為 13.9%,選留母鴨之毛色檢定、初產蛋重、初 產鴨重與初產日齡之檢定表現分別為 1.25 級、37.09 g、1.69 kg 與 108.8 日;公鴨則為 1.42 級、41.22 g、1.83 kg 與 120.4 日。


The aim of this study was to record the reproductive performance and to establish the selection criterion for next generation of reproduction. The 31-generation ducks’ traits of day at first egg, weight of first egg, weight of duck at first egg and plumage color grade of progeny were recorded and the performances of drakes were estimated from their dams and sibling sisters. The results of the plumage color grade of progeny, weight of first egg, weight of duck at first egg and day age at first egg were weighted as 4: 3: 2: 1 to create a selection index. In addition, the performances of semen collection of drakes were considered before breeder drakes were selected. According to this index, 36 drakes (36.3 %) and 60 ducks (28.2 %) were selected for breeders in this generation. All selected breeder ducks were divided into 12 families and to avoid close relatives and there were 3 drakes and 5 ducks in each family. The average index of all drakes (99 birds) and those were selected drakes (36 birds) was 86.1 and 100.1. The index of selected drakes was higher than all drakes for 13.9 %. The highest and the lowest was 113.2 and 89.8, respectively. The results of plumage color grade of progeny, weight of first egg, weight of duck at first egg and day age at first egg of selected ducks were 1.25, 37.09 g, 1.69 kg and 108.8 in selected ducks and 1.42, 41.22 g, 1.83 kg and 120.4 days in selected drakes.

