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篇名 卵母細胞收集方法對山羊卵丘卵母細胞複合體品質及體外成熟率之影響
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Effects of collection methods on the integrity of the cumulus-cell complex and in vitro maturation rates of caprine oocytes
作者 林信宏黃政齊康定傑王得吉郭廷雍康獻仁劉炳燦劉世賢沈朋志
頁次 193-193
關鍵字 山羊體外胚培養卵母細胞GoatIVCOocyte
出刊日期 201712


本試驗旨在建立較佳化之山羊胚體外生產系統,探討手術刀片切破或注射針抽吸之山羊卵母細 胞取得方法對取得高品質卵丘卵母細胞複合體(cumulus-oocyte complex, COCs)之影響,結 果顯示,以手術刀片切破取得卵丘卵母細胞複合體,所收集品質為一與二級者之數目百分比顯 著高於注射針抽吸方法者(55.7 vs. 33.0%;P < 0.05);進一步經體外成熟(in vitro maturation, IVM)培養後達成熟之百分比則均相近(78.3 vs. 77.7%;P > 0.05)。此外,若將手術刀片切破 取得之卵母細胞經體外成熟、受精(in vitro fertilization, IVF)後,分別以合成輸卵管液(synthetic oviduct fluid, SOF)或卵丘細胞共培養(co-culture)方法進行體外培養(in vitro culture, IVC) 時則發現,受精後之卵裂率與囊胚發育率於兩者間相近(28.2 and 37.1 vs. 4.3 and 0.0 %),並無 顯著差異,但於 SOF 培養系統下,可突破山羊胚於體外培養時之發育阻滯期,而發育至囊胚 期。綜合上述結果,在山羊胚之體外生產系統中,使用手術刀片切破方法收集卵丘卵母細胞複 合體,有利於其卵母細胞之成熟培養,以迄受精並發育至囊胚期之產製效率。


The aim of this is to establish some strategies for more effective in vitro goat embryo production. It was resulted that the slicing method could obtain significantly more cumulus-oocyte complex (COCs) in good quality compared to aspiration method (55.7% vs. 33.0%, P < 0.05), although there was no significant difference in the oocytes developed to MII stage after IVM in two methods (78.3 vs. 77.7%, P > 0.05). When the COCs collected with slicing method and by IVM-IVF and subsequently cultured in the synthet ic oviduct fluid solut ion (SOF) medium or co-culture medium with cumulus cell dividedly, both the cleavage rates and blastocyst rates were similar (28.2 and 37.1 vs. 4.3 and 0.0%, P > 0.05). However, only the COCs cultured in SOF medium had the chance to break out of the block stage and develop to blastcyst stage.In couclusion, it is suggested that the COCs collected using slicing method from goats, could obtain more high quality matured oocytes

