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篇名 養豬廢水濃度與水力停留時間對各處理階段水質之影響
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Effects of wastewater concentration and hydraulic retention time on the effluent quality of different treatment stages
作者 蘇天明翁義翔鍾承訓蕭庭訓程梅萍
頁次 146-146
關鍵字 生長肥育豬水質廢水處理Grower-finisher pigWastewater qualityWastewater treatment
出刊日期 201712


本試驗旨在探討高濃度養豬廢水應用三段式處理,各處理階段之水質變化。使用平均體重 47 – 107 kg 的生長肥育期 LD 肉豬 12 頭,飼養於代謝架上任飼,每日收集個別豬隻糞 便及尿液分別秤重後混合,依重量比調製糞尿:水=1:1(A 廢水)及 1:2.5(B 廢水) 等 2 種不同濃度廢水,經固液分離處理後,分別注入不同廢水濃度或不同水力停留時間 (HRT)之 6 個厭氣發酵槽;其中 A、C、E 組使用 A 廢水,HRT 分別為 10、15 及 20 天,B、D、F 組則使用 B 廢水,HRT 分別為 10、15 及 20 天,進行後續之厭氣及 曝氣處理,調查各處理階段水質變化。結果固液分離後不論 COD、BOD、SS、TS 和 VS 濃度皆顯著地(P < 0.05)較固液分離前為低。廢水經三段式處理後,A、C、E 組的 COD、 BOD 和 SS 濃度,以及 B 組的 BOD 濃度皆未達放流水標準,而 D 組和 F 組的水質 COD、BOD 和 SS 濃度皆符合放流水標準。因此,相較於一般養豬廢水(1:5)厭氧停留 時間 10 天;較高濃度(1:2.5)的養豬廢水需要 15 天以上的厭氧停留時間,始能符合標 準。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of high organic concentration of wastewater on the effluent quality at different stages of the three-step pig wastewater treatment system. A total of 12 LD grower-finisher pigs (47 to 107 kg) were fed ad libitumin in individual metabolism cages for daily collection and record of the feces and urine, respectively. Two different concentrations of wastewater were made up by mixing manure with water at 1:1 (wastewater A) and 1:2.5 (wastewater B) by weights, and then the solid-liquid separation was preceded. Wastewater A was used as influents of groups A, C and E with 10, 15 and 20 days of hydraulic retention time (HRT) of anaerobic treatment, while wastewater B was used as those of groups B, D and F with the same HRT. The effluent qualities of different stages were measured. The results showed that the concentrations of COD, BOD, SS, TS and VS of wastewater after solid-liquid separation were significantly(P < 0.05)lower than those before solid-liquid separation. The COD, BOD and SS concentrations of effluents from activated sludge stage of groups A, C and E, and BOD concentration of that of group B cannot meet the discharge standards for swine industry, but the concentrations of COD, BOD and SS of those of groups D and F can meet the discharge standards. Therefore, comparing to 10 days HRT for the regular pig wastewater (1:5), the HRT should be 15 days for the concentrate pig wastewater (1:2.5) to meet the discharge standard.

