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篇名 飼料生產用種用家蠅採集與馴化
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Housefly breeder collection and domesticatio
作者 蕭宗法李春芳
頁次 239-239
關鍵字 馴化家蠅飼養DomesticationHouseflyRaising
出刊日期 201712


昆蟲粉為一新型且環保的動物性蛋白質飼料原料。為建立以家蠅轉換畜禽糞為蠅 蛆粉的飼料生產模組,本試驗探討建立上游種蠅群的流程。以種蠅培養基質(麩 皮、魚粉、全脂乳粉)加氨水後,放置禽舍 24 hr 誘蠅產卵。將產卵盒置入種蠅 室內的養蟲箱(BugDorm-2400)繼續孵化,種蠅室設定光照 12 小時、室溫 28 ℃ 以上及相對濕度 70% 以上。蠅卵成蛆後約第 7 日成蛹,第 10 日羽化。養蟲 箱內再放入全脂乳粉+紅糖的飼料盒與飲水盒,羽化第 6 日後置入產卵盒,24 hr 後以過濾水沖洗表面蠅卵,經過濾與沉澱,量測蠅卵液體積。繼代時,以種蠅卵 液每 1.5 – 2 mL 加入 1 kg 種蠅基質以循環飼養。種蠅蛆液接種量會影響蠅蛹的 大小,每 kg 基質加入 1 - 2.5 mL 蠅卵液,蛹重為 14.0 到 14.7 mg,當增至 4.7 mL 蠅卵液時則降為 9.5 mg。家蠅經 10 個世代的馴化飼養,產卵回收率(回收 蠅卵mL/接種蠅卵mL)於 F1 - F4 世代維持在 20 以上,之後有逐代衰退現象, 推測可能緣於近親衰退,或是飼養條件缺失所致,尚有待進一步探討。


Insect powder is a new and environmental friendly animal protein feed resource. To establish the protocol for transferring livestock manure waste into housefly (Musca domestica) larvae powder, this trial was aimed to set up the upstream housefly breeder system. To stimulate oviposition, a meal with wheat bran, fish meal, whole milk powder and ammonia were formulated and leave in poultry barn 24 hrs. Boxes were brought back to in-house insect tent to proceed hatching. The breeder room had 12 hr of light, room temp ≥ 28℃ and relative humidity ≥ 70%. Fly eggs going through their larvae, pupa (ca. day 7), and emergency (day 10) stages. Nutritive feed and water were supplied to tent for fly growing and maturing. On day 6 after emergency, egg collection box was applied 24 hr. Eggs were washed, filtrated and collected as concentrated liquid. Every 1.5 – 2 mL of egg liquid was applied to breeder medium to subculture. The quantity of egg liquid affected the pupa’s weight. Each pupa weighed from 14.0 to 14.7 mg normally. When applied up to 4.7 mL, weight of pupa decreased to 9.5 mg. For the continuous 10 generations, the recovery of egg liquid (recovered / applied) was high from F1 to F4 maintaining above 20 and decreasing afterward. The inbreeding depression and improper management parameters might be the reason and need further study.

