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篇名 於飼糧中添加鹼性竹炭粉對肉雞生長表現與直腸內容物性狀之影響
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Effect of alkali bamboo coal powder on growth performance and rectum content of broiler
作者 吳詠平林裕仁魏恒巍
頁次 247-247
關鍵字 鹼性竹炭粉白肉雞生長表現Alkali bamboo coal powderBroilerGrowth performance
出刊日期 201712


本實驗旨在調查添加鹼性竹炭粉(pH 值為 9.0)至肉雞飼糧中對其生長表現與直腸內容物水分之 影響,並衡量其最適添加濃度。實驗使用 300 隻剛孵化之 Arbor Acre plus 肉雞,依竹炭粉添加濃 度分為對照組與四個處理組,處理組之竹炭粉添加濃度分別為 0.25、0.5、0.75 與 1%。實驗為期 35 天,在第 10 天、第 21 天及第 35 天秤重及採食量,並在第35 天時另外採集雞隻直腸內容物 進行水分分析。結果顯示,在 0~10 日齡各組間生長表現之差異皆不顯著(P > 0.5),但其體重與 體增重皆隨添加濃度之增加而呈現顯著的直線上升關係(P < 0.05)。在 10~21 日齡各組間之生長 表現也未產生顯著差異(P > 0.5),但飼料效率卻隨添加濃度之增加而出現顯著的直線上升關係(P < 0.05)。於 21~35 日齡時,各組間的生長表現仍未產生顯著差異,且無線性關係存在(P > 0.5)。 綜觀整個飼養期,各處理組之體增重皆有較對照組為差之趨勢,然而未達顯著之水準(P > 0.05), 與添加量間的線性關係也不顯著,然而飼料效率則不遜於對照組。在直腸內容物含水量方面,添加 竹炭粉之處理組結果皆較未添加之對照組為低,但其結果未達顯著水準,與添加量間也無顯著的線 性關係存在。總而言之,飼糧中鹼性竹炭粉的添加量增加會使白肉雞在前期與中期的部分生長指標 呈顯著的線性上升關係,然而此效果在後期即消失,對整個飼養期的生長表現也無顯著的正面效果, 且在直腸內容物含水量變化上,鹼性竹炭粉之添加並未產生顯著的效果。


The experiment was conducted to study the effect of alkali bamboo coal powder (pH = 9.0) on the growth performance and the moisture percentage of rectum content for adequate addition in broiler diets. After weighed, three hundreds day-old Arbor Acres Plus chicks were allocated, randomly and equally, into 30 pens and received diets containing 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 or 1% of alkali bamboo coal powder for 5 weeks. The body weight (BW), body weight gain (BWG), and feed conversion rate (FCR) of broiler were detected on d 10, 21, and 35. The moisture percentage of rectum content was measured in the end of the experiment. Results showed that there were no significant differences in BW, BGW and FCR between treatments while an ascent lineal relationship existed significantly between the BW or BWG and the dietary levels of alkali bamboo coal powder from d 0 to 10. Significant differences didn’t exist, either, in growth performance between treatments whereas an ascent linear correlation between FCR and the dietary alkali bamboo coal powder levels also existed from d 10 to 21. The moisture percentages of rectum content of broiler fed with alkali bamboo coal powder were lower than those of the control, insignificantly. To sum up, the dietary addition of alkali bamboo coal powder could provide an ascent lineal effect on some parts of growth performance in the two early growing stages whereas the moisture percentage of rectum content was not affected significantly in the end of the experiment.

