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篇名 飼糧中添加植生性飼料添加物對離乳豬生長性能及糞便菌相之影響
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Effects of dietary phytogenics feed additives on growth performance and fecal microflora in weaning pigs
作者 林傳順陳裕星馮啟倫黃芸珊徐榮男
頁次 219-219
關鍵字 飼料添加物生長性能離乳豬Feed additivesGrowth performanceWeaning pigs
出刊日期 201712


商業化養殖因為飼養密度高,動物健康管理極為重要,且因應飼料添加物法規趨勢, 畜牧產業積極尋找有潛力的天然物應用於動物飼料添加物。本試驗目的為探討在飼糧 中添加植生性飼料添加物對離乳豬生長性能及糞便菌相之影響,冀望透過原料處理技 術,開發機能性飼料添加物運用於產業中。試驗分成 3 組,每組 4 欄,每欄 4 隻, 分別以對照組、添加物配方 A、添加物配方 B 表示,對照組餵飼一般飼料,實驗組 分別餵飼植生性飼料添加物配方,以 LYD 三品種雜交之離乳豬為動物模式,從仔豬 28 日齡離乳起進行 6 週試驗。由試驗結果顯示,實驗組體重比對照組增加 12.5% 及 7.7%、日增重增加 17.3% 及 10.1%、日採食量增加 13.1% 及 6.1%、飼料利用效率 改善 3.7% 及 3.8%,另在糞便菌相中實驗組乳酸菌菌落數比對照組增加 5.4% 及 12.3%、大腸桿菌菌落數降低 6.6% 及 12.5%。綜合上述,本試驗所探討之添加物具 有發展成為機能性飼料添加物之潛力。


Due to the high density of commercial feeding, the animal health management was extremely important. In response to the trend of feed additive regulations, the livestock industry was actively looking for potential feed additives. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of dietary phytogenics feed additives on growth performance and fecal microflora in weaning pigs. 48 weanling pigs were divided into 3 treatments, the control group, group A, group B, each group had 16 weaning pigs. The trial period was 6 weeks. The results indicated that the weight of the group A and group B increased by 12.5% and 7.7%, the average daily gain increased by 17.3% and 10.1%, the daily feed intake increased by 13.1% and 6.1%, the feed efficiency improved by 3.7% and 3.8%, the lactobacillus increased 5.4% and 12.3%, the coliform decreased 6.6% and 12.5%, compared with the control group. Based on the results, it was shown that dietary phytogenics feed additives had the potential to develop into functional feed additives.

