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篇名 不同家禽羽毛粉經過二階段發酵後對白肉雞生長性狀之評估
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Assessment of the growth performance by different poultry feather meal of two-stage fermentation in broilers
作者 蔡佳芬吳佳螢吳鎮佑蕭雅齡陳國隆
頁次 118-118
關鍵字 白肉雞羽毛粉發酵BroilerFeather mealFermentation
出刊日期 201712


本研究目的在探討:不同家禽水解羽毛粉對白肉雞生長性狀之影響,之後再以白肉雞及黑色水 禽羽毛粉,經過二階段發酵後對白肉雞生長性狀之評估。試驗動物使用 1 日齡雌 Ross 308 白 肉雞。試驗一以 90 隻雛雞逢機分置於添加 2.5% 白肉雞、白色水禽及黑色水禽羽毛粉之飼 糧中。試驗二以 150 隻雛雞逢機分置於添加 5% 之濃縮大豆蛋白、白肉雞羽毛粉、黑色水禽 羽毛粉(大豆粕+羽毛粉1:1)並將該二種羽毛粉原料再經由二階段發酵(好氧 2 天、厭氧 3 天)之產物。每處理3 重複,每重複 10 隻,飼養期 35 日。結果顯示:試驗一、黑色水禽 羽毛粉在體增重及飼料轉換率皆顯著表現最佳(P<0.05),白色水禽羽毛粉則介於兩者之間 (P>0.05)。試驗二、經二階段發酵後之羽毛粉均顯著改善其生長性狀(P<0.05)且達到與 濃縮大豆蛋白之效果(P<0.05),且黑色水禽羽毛發酵組生產效率為所有組別中最佳。綜上 所述,黑色水禽羽毛經過適當水解後,其生長表現最佳。經二階段發酵之羽毛粉,表現顯著較 未發酵組佳,可發展成為畜產飼料蛋白之潛力。


The propose of this study is to investigate the effects of different poultry feather meal on broiler growth performance. Two-stage fermented feather meals of broiler and black waterfowl would be used to evaluate broiler performance later. Day-old female Ross 308 broilers were used in the experiment. In trial one, 90 chicks were randomly divided into feed contained with 2.5% feather meals of broilers, white waterfowl, or black waterfowl. In trial two, 150 chicks were randomly divided into feed contained with 5% soybean protein concentrate, feather meals of broilers and black waterfowl’s fermentating product (soybean meal + feather meal for 1:1), and then through two-stage fermentation (aerobic for two days and then anaerobic for three days). There were 3 replicates in each treatment, and 10 birds in each replicate. The experiment period was lasting for 35 days. The results showed that black waterfowl feather meal treatment had the best performance on body weight gain and feed conversion rate (P < 0.05), and the performance of white waterfowl feather meal treatment was between those two treatments in trial one. Feather meal trials with two-stage fermentation were significantly improved its growth performance, therefore, there had reach the same result to soybean protein concentrate (P < 0.05), and the trials of fermented feather black waterfowl meals had the best result in growth performance in trial two. In conclusion, the treatment of black water poultry feather meal proposed hydrolysis had the best growth performance. The feather meals with the two-stage fermentation are significantly better than unfermented feather meals. This can be developed into potential of livestock’s proteins feed stuff.

