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篇名 結合馬利乳酸桿菌 APS1 與節食可增進體減重於肥胖小鼠
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Combining Lactobacillus mali APS1 and dieting can accelerate weight loss in obese mice
作者 林幼君陳詠宗陳明汝
頁次 263-263
關鍵字 腸道菌相馬利乳酸桿菌APS1肥胖腸道菌相Gut microbiotaLactobacillus mali APS1Obesity
出刊日期 201712


近年來,隨著西方飲食習慣的影響,世界肥胖人口比例持續上升。肥胖所引起之 代謝性疾病成為主要的健康問題。本試驗探討同時給予糖液克菲爾分離菌株馬利 乳酸桿菌APS1與低脂飼糧對於已肥胖小鼠是否可增進體重下降和減少脂肪堆積以 及其能量攝取代謝的相互作用。肥胖小鼠經 6 週高脂飼糧餵飼後,體重增加 61%, 再將飼糧更換為低脂飼糧並同時給予 APS1 菌株處理3週。與只給予低脂飼糧之控 制組比較,APS1 菌株可有效增加體減重、降低總卡路里攝取量以及降低肝臟組織 重和脂肪組織重。APS1 亦可改善腸道菌相進而增加糞便中短鏈脂肪酸含量。因此, 結合 APS1 與節食可藉由改善腸道菌進而增進肥胖體減重的功效。


Recently, the prevalence of obese patient is increasing worldwide. Obesity-induced metabolic disease becomes the major health problem. In the present study, we investigated the effect of dieting in combination with Lactobacillus mali APS1, isolated from sugary kefir, on body weight, fat composition and interaction of energy metabolism in preexisting obese mice. After high-fat diet (HFD) feeding for 6 weeks, the body weight of mice had risen 61%. Then the dietary diet was changed from HFD to normal diet (ND) and preexisting obese mice were administrated with APS1 simultaneously for 3 weeks. In compared with NDS group, NDAPS1 group showed the significant increasing of body weight loss, reduction of total calorie intake and reduction of weight of liver and adipose tissue. Moreover, APS1 increased more concentration of short chain fatty acid in feces of mice than NDS group by manipulating gut microbiota composition. In conclusion, combining APS1 and dieting can improve the efficacy of weight loss via manipulating gut microbiota in preexisting obese mice.

