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篇名 不同丹參萃取物在膠原蛋白誘發關節炎之大鼠動物模式對減緩關節發炎之影響比較
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Comparison of the effects of different Danshen extracts on mitigating arthritis by using collagen-induced arthritis rat model
作者 林偉名潘健群陳薇稜高增婷周佑吉
頁次 199-199
關鍵字 膠原蛋白誘發關節炎丹參萃取物減緩關節發炎Collagen-induced arthritisDanshen extractMitigating
出刊日期 201712


探討丹參(Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge;Danshen)萃取物對嚴重關節炎造成的發炎症狀是否有 減緩的功效。用膠原蛋白誘發關節炎之大鼠作為試驗動物模式進行比較,將兩種萃取方式之 萃取物(水萃 1764 mg/kg/day 和酒精萃 2871 mg/kg/day)以灌食的方式分別餵食 Wistar 大 鼠,一周後進行膠原蛋白與佐劑混合之誘發劑在尾部皮下注射,隔周再追加一劑來誘發關節 炎。此動物模式在各組間關節炎的發生率分別為對照組 50%,水萃組 87.5% 和酒萃組 75%, 顯示有成功誘發關節炎。評估各組關節炎的嚴重程度,測量大鼠在誘發後不同時間點之腳掌 紅腫程度與厚度變化,結果顯示水萃物及酒萃物皆無法降低腳掌腫脹的嚴重程度。血清中發 炎因子 CRP,IL-1β 及 IL-6 檢測以 ELISA 分析,結果水萃與酒萃組 CRP 數值較高, IL-1β 及 IL-6 則無明顯差異。然而,生物體外試驗利用內毒素(LPS)刺激巨噬細胞株(RAW 264.7)以模擬生物體的發炎免疫反應,結果顯示丹參萃取物有減緩發炎反應的效果。以上結 果推論,丹參萃取物有減緩發炎反應的效果,然而,對發炎免疫反應誘發之關節炎造成的發 炎症狀是否有減緩保護之功效,需嘗試以不同萃取物劑量與投藥模式進一步驗證。


The study was investigated the effects of Danshen (Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge) extracts on mitigating arthritis with the collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) rat model. Briefly, Wistar rats were randomly grouped to feed by gastrogavage with aqueous extract (1764 mg/kg/day) or ethanol extract (2871 mg/kg/day) of Danshen and then started to induction by intradermal injection of the mixture of bovine type II collagen and incomplete adjuvant at the base of the tail. These rats were boosted once at seven days after the first administration and the arthritic symptoms were observed at day 10. The incidence of induced arthritis in control, aqueous extract, and ethanol extract were 50%, 87.5%, and 75%, respectively, suggesting the experimental arthritis was successfully induced. The degree of arthritic severity was evaluated on the extent of edema and the thickness of mid-foot within indicated time points. The results showed that neither extracts mitigated the degree of paw edema in the affected rats. At the end of the experiment, the pro-inflammatory factors such as C-reactive protein (CRP), interleukin-1β (IL-1β) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) in the serum were detecting by ELISA. The CRP levels in both the extracts treated rats were higher than control, but the levels of IL-1β and IL-6 were no differences. However, the in vitro assay evaluated for the inhibition of NO production in the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) -stimulated RAW264.7 cells as an anti-inflammatory model, showed that Danshen extract may be useful in anti-inflammatory. In conclusion, there is anti-inflammatory effect of Danshen extract in cell model, but the effect on mitigating inflammatory arthritis will be further investigated by considering different dosages or ways of dosing.

