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篇名 山羊精子性別分選後之活力分析
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 The motility analysis of goat sexing sperm
作者 曲鳳翔陳裕信康定傑劉振發陳立人
頁次 208-208
關鍵字 山羊精子性別分選活力分析Goat spermSortingVitality
出刊日期 201712


在性別控制繁殖技術方面,利用帶有 X-染色體的精子所含的去氧核醣核酸(DNA) 較帶Y-染色體的精子含量多,與精子頭部的 DNA 結合螢光染劑處理之後,藉由 產生的螢光量高低差異而加以分離公母性別的精子,此一方法可利用流式細胞儀 (Flow cytometry)來大量生產單一性別精子,其鑑別速率已可達每秒上樣 40,000 隻精子,且正確率可達 90% 以上,方便性及生產效率皆相當高。於分選過程中精 子受到雷射照射、噴發壓力梯差及濃度效應的傷害在所難免。本試驗就山羊精子 在性別分選過程中的活力損耗進行分析,結果顯示新鮮品質越佳之精子對分選傷 害的耐受力越高,平均經過分選流程之精子活力損耗在29.4%。


In the case of sex control propagation techniques, spermatozoa with X-chromosomes contained more DNA than spermatozoa with Y-chromosomes, and after fluorescent dye treatment in sperm head those spermatozoa could be separated. This flow cytometry method produced single sex spermatozoa with a rate of 40,000 sperm per second, and the correction was more than 90%. The results showed high convenience and production efficiency. In the sorting process, laser irradiation, eruption pressure gradient and concentration effect of the damage was inevitable. In this experiment, the viability loss of goat sperm during sex sorting was analyzed. The results showed that fresh sperm exhibited high endurance, and motility loss in the sorting process was 29.4% in average.

