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篇名 應用墊料於牛舍牛床對乳牛腳蹄健康之影響
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Application of the mattresses cow bed with rice hull effect on dairy cow hoof health
作者 李國華王思涵陳怡璇陳一明趙俊炫郝淑薏饒瑞萍賈玉祥
頁次 147-147
關鍵字 牛床乳牛蹄病體細胞數Cow bedDairy cattleLamenessSomatic cell count
出刊日期 201712


蹄病為台灣乳牛淘汰之三大主因之一,因此本計畫目的擬探討應用墊料於牛舍牛床對乳牛 腳蹄健康之影響。計挑選 8 頭泌乳天數及乳產量相近之泌乳牛進行試驗,並均分為一般 牛床對照組(n=4)及粗糠牛床處理組(n=4),採複因子之試驗設計,即每組包含 2 頭跛 腳牛隻及 2 頭腳蹄正常牛隻,定期紀錄所有試驗牛隻之(1)運動與體態評分、(2)乳產量、 乳脂肪、乳蛋白質、乳醣及體細胞數,為期 3 個月。結果顯示,在運動與體態分數方面 兩組無顯著差異,對照組之跛腳牛(n=2)體態分數平均增加 0.3 分,處理組之跛腳牛(n=2) 體態分數平均增加 0.42 分;對照組之腳蹄正常牛(n=2)體態分數平均增加 0.12 分,處 理組之腳蹄正常牛(n=2)體態分數平均增加 0.16 分。在乳產量、乳脂肪、乳蛋白質、 乳醣及體細胞數等,兩組無論在跛腳牛群或腳蹄正常牛群皆無顯著差異,唯處理組之跛腳 牛(n=2)之平均體細胞數(13 ± 31×104 cells/mL)較對照組之跛腳牛(n=2)之平均體細 胞數(57 ± 25×104 cells/mL)有較低的趨勢。


Lameness caused by the dairy cow was culled one of the three main reasons in Taiwan. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the effects of mattresses cow bed with rice hull on the hoof health of dairy cows. Eight dairy cows that each other's lactation days and milk yield were very similar were selected for trial. The eight dairy cows were divided into the general cow bed (control group, n = 4) and the mattresses cow bed with rice hull (treatment group, n = 4). The test method was designed with the complex factor, that was, each group included 2 lame cows and 2 hoof normal cows. We recorded the data of all trial cows, including (1) locomotion and body condition scores, (2) milk yield, fat, protein, lactose and somatic cell count for 3 months. The results showed that there was no significant difference between the two groups in locomotion and body condition scores. The average body condition score of the lame cows increased 0.3 (control group, n = 2) and 0.42 (treatment group, n = 2), respectively. The average body condition score of the hoof normal cows increased 0.12 (control group, n = 2) and 0.16 (treatment group, n = 2), respectively. There were no significant differences in milk yield, fat, protein, lactose and somatic cell count, both in lame and normal hoof cows. However, the average somatic cell count of the lame cows (n = 2) on the treatment group (13 ± 31 ×104 cells/mL) were lower than the control group ( 57 ± 25 ×104 cells/ mL) in a trend.

