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篇名 生乳乳成分檢測之國際能力試驗
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 The proficiency test of ICAR for raw milk components
作者 蕭振文鄭志明張勝保丁進來賈玉祥林秀蓮吳明哲凃柏安
頁次 264-264
關鍵字 生乳乳成分能力試驗Raw milkMilk componentsProficiency test
出刊日期 201712


能力試驗是一個評估實驗室檢測能力及品質管制以確保品質系統的有用工具,當檢測樣品 送達時即視為客戶要求應及時且精準的完成檢測任務。畜產試驗所新竹分所乳品檢驗室在 畜試所安排下,參加國際畜政聯盟(The International Committee for Animal Recording, ICAR) 2017 年的生牛乳乳成分能力試驗工作,檢測項目包括:乳脂肪、蛋白質、乳糖、無脂固 形分、尿素氮、β-羥基丁酸(β–hydroxybutyric acid, BHBA)及體細胞數值(Somatic Cell Count, SCC)等,這些樣品依據 ICAR 樣品貯存與操作指引進行檢測。進行檢測之乳成 分測定儀為 MilkoScan FT 型(FOSS 公司),檢測結果依期限以電郵傳送 ICAR 彙集分 析。畜試所新竹分所完成並收到 ICAR 回覆之能力試驗結果,其中生牛乳體細胞數檢測 能力比對在 25 國 35 個檢驗單位中,獲得 “Good” 結果,其餘檢測項目亦符合能力試驗 的標準。


The proficiency test (PT) is a tool to help evaluate the performance of the laboratory process and to support laboratory quality assurance system. It’s aim is to provide independent data for individual laboratory to monitor, evaluate and ultimately improve your processes. When the PT samples arrive to our laboratory we can be viewed as being from a ‘customer’ that is asking we to provide timely, precise and accurate results. The milk analysis laboratory in Hsin-chu Branch of Taiwan Livestock Research Institute was participated in the ICAR proficiency test of milk components of raw dairy milk, the analyzed items included milk fat, protein, lactose, solid-non-fat, urea nitrogen, β– hydroxybutyric acid (BHBA) and Somatic Cell Count (SCC). The samples preparation, storage and analysis was followed the guideline of ICAR. The analyzed equipment was MilkoScan FT (FOSS). The test result of milk samples was sent to ICAR for data compiled and date analyzed before deadline. The result showed that the 2017 ICAR proficiency test of milk components the laboratory of Hsin-chu Branch participate has received a good grade in SCC among thirty five laboratories of twenty five countries. The remaining test items are also eligible for the standard of ICAR proficiency test.

