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篇名 臺灣水牛粒線體DNA 之歧異度分析
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Genetic diversity of mitochondrial DNA in Taiwan water
作者 陳薏婷陳若菁莊碧華蘇安國
頁次 133-133
關鍵字 臺灣水牛粒線體 DNA單套型Taiwan water buffaloMitochondrial DNAHaplotype
出刊日期 201712


粒線體 DNA(Mitochondrial DNA, mtDNA)為封閉的環狀雙股 DNA,經由卵細胞遺傳 給子代,可自行複製,具有演化快速,種間差異大,族群內穩定性高,母系遺傳等特性, 可用來探討動物種族或族群間之歧異度、親緣關係及物種演化上之關聯性。本試驗欲探討 100 頭臺灣水牛粒線體 DNA 上的控制區(Displacement loop, D-loop)及細胞色素 B 基 因(Cytochrome B gene, CYTB gene)序列之多態性。試驗結果顯示,D-loop 基因(915 bp) 有 22 個單核苷酸多態性(Single-nucleotide polymorphism, SNP);CYTB 基因(1140 bp) 有 11 個 SNP 位點。將兩基因序列進一步分析,發現具有 3 種單套型(haplotype),A 型所佔比例為 88%(88/100);B 型所佔比例為 5%(5/100);C 型所佔比例為 7%(7/100)。 此結果可當作臺灣水牛生物多樣性流失風險之評估指標,防止近親衰退。


Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is a double-stranded, circular molecule. It is maternally inherited, and it can replicate itself. The mutation rate of mtDNA is fast, lead to a high degree of variability between individuals. But it is highly conserved in populations. Therefore, the mtDNA is useful for studying the diversity of species or populations, the evolutionary relationships of organisms. The aim of this study was to evaluate a genetic diversity of D-loop and CYTB gene sequences of mtDNA in 100 Taiwan water buffaloes. The results showed that there were 22 SNPs of D-loop gene (915 bp) and 11 SNPs of CYTB gene (1140 bp). Further analysis revealed that the 100 samples represented 3 haplotypes. The A haplotype was predominant (88%, 88/100). The B and C haplotypes were at low frequencies (5% and 7% respectively). The result will be used as the principle of the stock management to avoid the inbreeding depression.

