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篇名 2017 超音波技師訓練與認證
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 2017 Ultrasound technician training and certification
作者 羅玲玲康雅淳蔡政樵林智郁黃俊源陳靜宜李岱洋陳冠鳴詹東霖許祐祥陳培梅
頁次 176-176
關鍵字 背脂厚度認證超音Backfat thicknessCertificationUltrasound
出刊日期 201712


來自種豬場、公司及學校共 92 位學員,參加 2017 年 8 月雲林縣褒忠鄉進行之超音波技師訓練 與認證研討會,其中 42 位學員參加筆試;並連續兩天分別應用A 模式(Renco Sono-Grader、Renco Lean Meter 或BFM-1;n=20)與B 模式(Aloka SSD 500 或ProSound2;n=22)超音波儀器,檢測 來自三個種豬場之杜洛克、藍瑞斯及約克夏品種豬(活體重 Mean=101.3 kg, SD=13.0 kg)之體組 成性狀。A 模式學員檢測 30 頭第 4 肋、最後肋及最後腰椎部位,距背中線 6 cm 之背脂厚度以 及第 10 肋背脂厚度與腰眼深度;B 模式學員則逢機檢測 20 頭第 10 肋腰脊橫切面長度 1/2 部 位之脂肪厚度,並量測腰眼面積。豬隻檢測結束後運至台畜公司屠宰,屠宰後分別測定相對部位之 背脂厚度,屠體冷藏 24 hr 後測定腰眼深度與面積。皮爾遜相關分析 A 與 B 模式測定學員在脂 肪厚度之超音波與屠體測定相關範圍分別為 0.52 至 0.92;0.33 至 0.94,重複勢為 0.29 至 0.94; 0.41 至 0.95,操作員相關為 0.52 至 0.96;0.54 至 0.95。依據場內檢定委員會超音波技師認證標 準:活體與屠體測定相關、重複勢及操作員間相關均為 0.8,針對脂肪厚度本次在 A 模式認證結 果有 6 位學員符合甲級標準(兩年認證一次)、3 位符合乙級(一年認證一次);B 模式脂肪厚度 認證有 12 位學員符合甲級標準、5 位符合乙級,總合格率 61.9%;操作者在腰眼深度與面積檢 測技術則需更進一步的訓練。


Ninety-two participants were attend the ultrasound technician training and certification conference at Yunlin in August 2017. Forty-two of them took the written test and scanned body composition traits of Landrace, Yorkshire and Durocpigs (mean=101.3 kg, SD=13.0 kg) using A mode (Renco Sono-Grader、 Lean Meter, orBFM-1, n = 20) and B mode (Aloka SSD 500 orProSound2, n = 22). A mode operators were scanned backfat of 30 pigs at the 4th, last rib, and last lumbar 6 cm off the midline and the loin depth at the 10th rib, whereas B mode were scanned fat thickness of 20 pigs at the 10th rib 1/2 of longissimus muscle and the area. Pigs were then transported to Taiwan Farm Industry Company for slaughter, and the composition traits were measured at the same locations of live pigs and the carcasses. Results showed that the correlation between ultrasoundandcarcass measured fat thickness using A mode and B mode were ranged from 0.52 to 0.92; 0.33 to 0.94, repeatability from0.29 to 0.94; 0.41 to 0.95, and the correlation amongtheoperators rangedfrom 0.52 to 0.96; 0.54 to 0.95, respectively. The criteria used to qualify an ultrasound technician are correlation between live and carcass measured composition traits (0.80); repeatability (0.80), and correlation among operators (0.80). While scanning fat thickness, six and three A mode, twelve and five B mode operators were qualified for certification of A and B classeswhich gave overall qualified rate of 61.9%. More training is required for operators inscanning loin depth and loingissimus muscle area.

