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篇名 臺灣水鹿產茸期添加發酵飼料添加劑對產茸性能及鹿茸品質之影響
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 The effect of fermented feed additives during velvet growing phase on antler velvet production and quality of Formosan sambar deer
作者 張以恆宋文霖林信宏康獻仁林正鏞
頁次 213-213
關鍵字 鹿茸重量及品質臺灣水鹿發酵飼料添加劑Antler velvet production and qualityFormosan sambar deerFermented feed additives
出刊日期 201712


本試驗利用不同發酵飼料添加劑添加於產茸期之臺灣水鹿飼糧中,探討其對臺灣水鹿產茸性能 及鹿茸品質之影響。以臺灣水鹿公鹿 12 隻進行試驗,分組方式依據其前一次產茸量及年齡進 行隨機區組設計,分為對照組、發酵飼料組、納豆菌及真菌發酵產物組共三組,於產茸期餵飼 80% 之芻料及 20% 之對照或試驗精料,各組皆等蛋白質及等代謝能,其中發酵飼料組精料 含 1% 發酵飼料,納豆菌及真菌發酵產物組含1% 發酵飼料及 0.15% 之納豆菌及真菌發酵產 物,試驗期間飲水及飼糧任食。鹿茸採割時間平均為解角後 70 天,試驗結束時採割鹿茸測量 整副茸重,切片烘乾粉碎後取樣進行成分分析。結果顯示,在鹿茸產量方面,發酵飼料組之鹿 茸重量及鹿茸增幅有明顯增加之趨勢,鹿茸重量及增幅分別為對照組之 1.17 及 1.56 倍。在 鹿茸成分方面,灰分及磷含量在發酵飼料組及納豆菌及真菌發酵產物組均顯著高於對照組(P < 0.05),鈣含量亦有明顯增加之趨勢。綜合本試驗結果發現,添加發酵飼料於臺灣水鹿產茸 期飼料中,能顯著增加鹿茸之礦物質含量,提升鹿茸成分品質,並具有增加鹿茸產量之趨勢。


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of fermented feed additives during antler development stage on antler velvet production and quality of Formosan sambar male deer. Based on the age and last antler performance, 12 deer was divided into three groups utilizing block randomization. Each group was feed 80% forage and 20% different concentrated feed, which were control group, fermented feedstuff (FF) group with 1% FF, and natto and fungal fermentative supplementation (NF) group with 1% FF and 0.15% NF. All groups were design under isoprotein and isometabolizable energy condition with feed and water available ad libitum. The average antler develop period was 70 days, antler velvet were then harvested and sampling for analysis. The results showed that antler velvet weight and growing rate were markedly increased in FF group, which were 1.17 and 1.56 times higher than control group. The ash and phosphorous contain of antler velvet were both significantly increased in FF and NF group (P < 0.05) and calcium contain of antler velvet was also largely elevated. Taken together, by using FF during velvet growing phase, the mineral concentration of antler velvet was significantly increased and velvet weight was markedly elevated in Formosan sambar deer.

