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篇名 飼糧添加經秀珍菇廢棄培養基固態發酵稻稈對乳山羊泌乳性能之影響
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Effects of dietary addition of solid-state fermented rice straw by Pleurotus sajor-caju mushroom waste medium on milking performance of dairy goats
作者 范耕榛李滋泰陳美杏蕭宗法余碧李春芳
頁次 243-243
關鍵字 發酵稻稈泌乳山羊秀珍菇廢棄培養基Fermented rice strawLactation dairy goatPleurotus sajor-caju waste medium
出刊日期 201712


大部分食用菇來自白腐真菌,其能分泌木質纖維酵素。前期in vitro 試驗結果顯示,6 種 食用菇中,以秀珍菇廢棄培養基對固態發酵稻稈之纖維分解效果較佳,本次試驗即以秀珍 菇廢棄培養基固態發酵稻稈 8 週備用,以評估發酵稻稈的飼料化應用。選擇 21 頭乳量 2 kg 以上的阿爾拜因或撒能乳山羊,逢機分成三組,飼養於個別欄進行二次各 28 日之飼 養試驗。對照組飼糧以盤固拉乾草占飼糧乾基 15% 為之,試驗組以發酵稻稈或稻稈等重 取代對照組盤固拉草。結果顯示羊隻隻日乾物質採食量三組依序為 2.21、2.28 及 1.81 kg, 乳量為 3.28、3.33 及 3.02 kg,對照組及發酵稻稈組表現皆高於稻稈組(P < 0.05);三組 乳脂率依序為 3.49、3.34 及 3.54%;乳總固形物率為 11.5、11.3 及 11.6%,稻稈組有高 於發酵稻稈組之趨勢(P < 0.10);乳中尿素氮為 28.9、31.1 及 31.2 mg/dL,以稻稈兩組 有高於對照組之趨勢(P < 0.10);期他乳成分在各組表現相近。綜上,經秀珍菇廢棄培養 基固態發酵的稻稈可以做為良好的泌乳羊飼糧原料,推薦添加量可達飼糧乾基之 15%。


Most of the edible mushrooms are from white rot fungi possessing lignocellulase activity. Previous in vitro study showed waste medium of Pleurotus sajor-caju mushroom (PSW) achieved the better cellulolytic degradation for rice straw among six mushroom varieties. In this study, rice straw solid-state fermented by PSW 8 wks was added into diets for lactating dairy goats to evaluate its feeding value. A total of 21 head of Sanna and Alpine goats were assigned into three treatments and fed individually in two feeding trials with 28-d each. Pangolagrass hay at 15% of diet dry matter was the control diet. By substituting pangolagrass hay, fermented or original rice straw was added. Results showed that the dry matter intakes (DMI) and milk yield of goats fed control diet and fermented rice straw diet were higher than those fed rice straw diet. DMI of control, fermented rice straw and rice straw groups reached 2.21, 2.28, and 1.81 kg; milk yields were 3.28, 3.33, and 3.02 kg, respectively (P < 0.05). Milk fat 3.54% and milk total solid 11.6% from goats fed rice straw diet tended to be higher than those from fermented rice straw group, 3.34% and 11.3% (P < 0.10). Goats in two rice straw groups tended had the higher milk urea nitrogen of 31.2 mg/dL than those from control group 28.9 mg/dL (P < 0.10). The other milk compositions were similar among groups. In conclusion, fermented rice straw is a good alternative feed resource for dairy goats and 15% in diet dry matter is recommended.

