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篇名 飼料添加小花蔓澤蘭對於白肉雞生長性能之影響
卷期 46增刊
並列篇名 Effects of Mikania micrantha as feed additive on growth performance of broilers
作者 李旻謙林俊佑林嘉慧黃士哲
頁次 098-098
關鍵字 小花蔓澤蘭肉雞生長性能BrolierGrowth performanceMikania micrantha
出刊日期 201712


本試驗目的為探討小花蔓澤蘭粉末添加於飼糧中對於白肉雞生長性能之影響。試 驗將 96 隻愛拔益加肉雞隨機分成 4 個處理組,分別餵飼為含有 0%、0.5%、1% 及 2% 小花蔓澤蘭粉末之日糧,每組處理 3 重複,實驗為期 35 天,並於試驗 0、 7、14、21、28 和 35 日齡時,測定雞隻之個別體重及各欄之飼料消耗量,以計 算雞隻之採食量、增重、飼料轉換率。結果顯示:採食量方面,各處理組之平均 每日採食量皆在 75 - 79 g 之範圍,各組間於統計上不具顯著差異。體重方面,體 重各組體重介於 1.66 - 1.75 kg 之範圍,於統計上亦無顯著差異。飼料轉換率方面, 各處理組之飼料轉換率在 1.59 - 1.67 之範圍,且不具顯著差異。試驗結果得知, 於飼糧中添加小花蔓澤蘭,不影響白肉雞之生長性能,有利於後續研究使用。


The study was conducted to determine the effect of feeding diets containing different ratio of Mikania micrantha powder on growth performance of broiler. Ninety-six Arbor Acres broiler were randomly divided into four treatment: feed with ratio of 0%、0.5%、 1% and 2% M. micrantha powder. There were triplicates in each treatment and the test lasted for 35 days. Individual body weight and feed consumption of broilers were collected at 0, 14, 21, 28 and 35 day of age. Feed intake, body weight gain and feed conversion ratio were calculated in every periods. The results showed that the daily consumption were ranged among 75 to 79 g, average body weight of each treatment was about 1.66 to 1.75 kg and feed conversion rate were among 1.59 to 1.6 and there were no significant difference was found among all the treatments. According to above all the results showed that the feed supplied with M. micrantha made no unfavorable effect on broiler growth performance, which had the feed additive potential for future investigation.

